The RC522 is a 13.56MHz RFID module that is based on the MFRC522 controller from NXP semiconductors. The module can supports I2C, SPI and UART and normally is shipped with a RFID card and key fob. It is commonly used in attendance systems and other person/object identification applications.
The CNC Shield v4 is made for the control of 3D printers, milling and engraving machines. This version of the shield has 1 motor driver less than its predecessor, but is more compact and has room for an Arduino Nano. This board has 3 sockets for the installation of stepper motor drivers such as the A4988. Only 2 channels per motor are required to control this motor. There is also a connection for 2 end-stop switches per motor.
The module (MicroSD Card Adapter) is a Micro SD card reader module, through the file system and the SPI interface driver, SCM system to complete the file to read and write MicroSD card. Arduino users can directly use the Arduino IDE comes with an SD card to complete the library card initialization and read
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