L293D Motor Shield


These shield is made by L293D driver chip. It is very easy for plug with Arduino or ESP to drive any DC motor for Robot or RC Car.

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These shield is made by L293D driver chip. It is very easy for plug with Arduino or ESP to drive any DC motor for Robot or RC Car.

Additional information

Controller Type

L293D for Arduino, L293D for ESP8266

Technical Specification

Technical Specification for Arduino

Drive Voltage 6V to 15V
Controller Voltage 4.5V to 5.5V
Drive Current  1.2A
DC Motor Control 4 Motors
Servo Motor Control 2 Servos
Serial Shift Register 8 stage


Technical Specification for ESP8266

Drive Voltage 4.5V to 36V
Controller Voltage 4.5V to 9V
Drive Current  1.2A
Control Signal Input 3.3V


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L293D Motor Shield

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