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Heart rate data can be really useful whether you’re designing an exercise routine, studying your activity or anxiety levels or just want your shirt to blink with your heart beat. The problem is that heart rate can be difficult to measure. Luckily, the Pulse Sensor Amped can solve that problem! […]
Soil Moisture Humidity Sensor with 12VDC Relay Description: Through the potentiometer adjusting soil moisture threshold control, automatic in garden, garden automatic watering, family flowerpot soil humidity control, all kinds of electronic games, with high power relay, can control large current device, less than setting humidity automatic start relay, greater than […]
Working parameters: Pyroelectric human body infrared sensor module, model: SR-602 Sensing distance: up to 5 meters; recommended 0-3.5M. Output: high level, H=3.3V, L=0V Power supply DC: 3.3V-15V Quiescent current: 20uA Features and uses: This module has high sensitivity, fast response, small static power consumption, small size, easy to install, and […]
Vibration Sensor Module Vibration Switch SW-420 is based on the vibration sensor SW-420 and Comparator LM393 to detect if there is any vibration that beyond the threshold. The threshold can be adjusted by the on-board potentiometer. When this no vibration, this module output logic LOW the signal indicates LED light, […]
Description:TCRT5000 sensors constantly emit infrared infrared emitting diodes, infrared rays emitted when reflected or not reflected but the intensity is not big enough, the infrared receiver has been in the off state, then the output of the module is low, indicating diode remains off state; when the object appeared to […]
TTP223B Capacitive Touch Key Sensor Module is based on a touch-sensing IC capacitive touch switch module. It allows you to remove the worry of conventional push-type keys. Digital Capacitive Touch Switch Module is based on TTP223B. Normally, it outputs low and keeps at a low power state. When a touch […]
Voltage Detection Sensor Module 25V module is based on the principle of resistive voltage divider design, it can make the red terminal connector input voltage to 5 times smaller. Arduino analog input voltages up to 5 v. The voltage detection module input voltage not greater than 5Vx5=25V (if using 3.3V […]
Description: Water flow sensor consists of a plastic valve bodya water rotorand a hall-effect sensor. When water flows through the rotorrotor rolls. Its speed changes with different rate of flow. The hall-effect sensor outputs the corresponding pulse signal. This one is suitable to detect flow in water dispenser or coffee […]